Friday, October 29, 2010

Paul Simon


I'm on my way; I don't know where I'm goin'

Okay, that's not entirely true. I technically know where I'm going: Utrecht, Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna, Salzburg. But really, that is the extent of my planning.

I am already loving ferry travel. Checking in was super easy, there was practically no security hassle, my cabin is (so far) empty of other passengers, there is free wi-fi, and you have lots of room to wander around. The only downsides I have detected so far are that everything is pretty expensive, and the bar won't make me a Sidecar. Fortunately, savvy traveler that I am, I expected the first hurdle and have surmounted by packing my own food: a sleeve of milk chocolate oatmeal cookies. The second issue can't be helped I suppose.

Right now I am sitting in the coffee bar/lounge by a window looking out on the rainy port sipping a coffee. It is very peaceful. Barack Obama is giving a speech on CNN, which they have streaming on one of the TVs opposite. I am trying not to glance over, because it is making me feel like a bad citizen for not having a clue what is going on in my country right now. Oh well.

I noticed as I was walking to the bus with my suitcase earlier that I have approached this trip with a vastly different attitude than any of the other journeys upon which I have embarked in recent memory. I have been trying to examine why that is.

It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I know I am going to be around friends. It is a really comforting thought that I'll be with Tara tomorrow, and I'll be with Carolyn on Tuesday and for the rest of the week. A lot of the problem in the past has been just having to dive into the unknown. That was certainly the case with Sweden, and especially with initially coming to the U.K.

For another, I am not leaving any person of whom I am particularly sad to take my leave. The exception is my roommate, Lea, but it is not like if I stayed, I'd be able to hang out with her. She is going to spend her fall break with her friend Lauren, where she is studying in Italy this semester.

Additionally, I'm only going to be gone for ten days. Not 4 months.

So, this all explains why I am not terrified of doing this. But then, why am I so excited? I suppose because I have never been to any of these places, and we have a lot of excellent prospects for stuff to do. And you know, the absence of a lot of fear helps excitement actually to manifest. But, you know. I'd also like to think that maybe I have gotten just a tad bit braver, after having spent nearly two months pretty much on my own on another continent? At least, I really hope that has something to do with it.

Anyhoo. I can feel the engine just started; I think we are supposed to leave in like 15. I have to dash off one more cover letter tonight I guess, so that I can send off the last of my internship apps tomorrow: Denver Post, Seattle Times, St. Petersburg Times.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, and don't forget to vote. No on 744!!



1 comment:

  1. Hello Catherine,
    This is your uncle David. I have a task for you. I work with a guy from London and I have asked him this same question, but he was unable to remember, or afraid of the answer. :) When walking in a hallway in England, do people naturally walk on the left side like we in the US walk on the right? This is very critical, so make a study of it!

    btw. Enjoy your blog posts. Keep 'em coming.

